Daftar Lengkap Harga Vaksin Imunisasi Anak
Nama Vaksin |
Jenis Vaksin |
Harga |
Rotarix | Mencegah diare karena rotavorus | Rp 245.000,- |
Synflorif | Mencegah infeksi pnemokokus IPD | Rp 524 500,- |
Infanrif HIB (DPaT-HiB) | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus dan pertusis tanpa demam | Rp 385.000 |
HIB | Mencegah infeksi Otak hemofilus Influenza | Rp 178.000,- |
Infanrif HIB IPV | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus, Polio dan pertusis tanpa demam | Rp 386.000 |
Havrix | Mencegah infeksi hepatitis A | Rp 236.000,- |
Avaxim | Mencegah infeksi hepatitis A | Rp 292.000,- |
Avaxim | Mencegah infeksi hepatitis A | Rp 320.000,- |
Varilrix | Mencegah infeksi varicela-cacar air | Rp 285.000,- |
Engerix B | Mencegah infeksi Hepatitis B | Rp 65.800 |
HB Vax | Mencegah infeksi Hepatitis B | Rp 79.500 |
Infanrix | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus, Polio dan pertusis tanpa demam | Rp 287.500 |
Okavax | Mencegah infeksi Varicella-cacar air | Rp 363.250 |
Polio | Mencegah infeksi polio | Rp 12.500 |
Pediacel | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus, Polio dan pertusis tanpa demam | Rp 484.200 |
Synflorix | vaksin Pneumokokus 10 strain | Rp 564.900 |
Prevenar | vaksin Pneumokokus 13 strain | Rp 765.400 |
Tetract HIB | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus, Polio dan pertusis HiB demam | Rp 200.200 |
Havrix | Mencegah infeksi Hepatitis A | Rp 280.800 |
BCG | Mencegah infeksi BCG | Rp 40.000 |
Campak | Mencegah infeksi Campak | Rp 45.000 |
DPT | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus, Polio dan pertusis demam | Rp 20.000 |
DT | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus | Rp 47.000,- |
Tetanus | Mencegah infeksi Tetanus | Rp 17.5000,- |
DPT HB | Mencegah infeksi difteri, Tetanus, Polio dan pertusis Hepatitis B | Rp 65.000 |
Act HIB | Mencegah infeksi otak HiB | Rp 236.000 |
Trimovax | Mencegah infeksi Gondong Campak Rubela (campak Jerman) | Rp 95.500 |
MMR II | Mencegah infeksi Gondong Campak Rubela (campak Jerman) | Rp 110,000,- |
Euvax B | Mencegah infeksi Hepatitis B | Rp 48.000,- |
Vaxigrip | Mencegah infeksi influenza | Rp 165.000 ,- |
Vaxigrip | Mencegah infeksi Influenza | Rp 111.000,- |
Typhim | Mencegah infeksi tifus | Rp 124.000,- |
Typherix | Mencegah infeksi Tifus | Rp 121.000,- |
Pedvax | Mencegah infeksi | Rp 173.000 |
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- Permasalahan Imunisasi Dalam Masyarakat
- Update Photo-Poster: Imunisasi Hak Anak Yang Tidak Bisa Ditunda
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- Update Photo-Poster: Imunisasi Hak Anak Yang Tidak Bisa Ditunda
- Jadwal Terbaru dan Terlengkap : Imunisasi Anak Rekomendasi IDAI 2011
Supported By:
GRoW UP CLINIC JAKARTA Yudhasmara Foundation GRoW UP CLINIC I Jl Taman Bendungan Asahan 5 Bendungan Hilir Jakarta Pusat 10210, phone (021) 5703646 – 44466102 GRoW UP CLINIC II MENTENG SQUARE Jl Matraman 30 Jakarta Pusat 10430, Phone (021) 44466103 – 97730777email :
“GRoW UP CLINIC” Jakarta Focus and Interest on: *** Allergy Clinic Online *** Picky Eaters and Growup Clinic For Children, Teen and Adult (Klinik Khusus Gangguan Sulit Makan dan Gangguan Kenaikkan Berat Badan)*** Children Foot Clinic *** Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinic *** Oral Motor Disorders and Speech Clinic *** Children Sleep Clinic *** Pain Management Clinic Jakarta *** Autism Clinic *** Children Behaviour Clinic *** Motoric & Sensory Processing Disorders Clinic *** NICU – Premature Follow up Clinic *** Lactation and Breastfeeding Clinic *** Swimming Spa Baby & Medicine Massage Therapy For Baby, Children and Teen ***Professional Healthcare Provider “GRoW UP CLINIC” Dr Narulita Dewi SpKFR, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation curriculum vitae HP 085777227790 PIN BB 235CF967 Dr Widodo Judarwanto, PediatricianWe are guilty of many errors and many faults. But our worst crime is abandoning the children, neglecting the fountain of life. |
Clinical – Editor in Chief :
- Dr WIDODO JUDARWANTO, pediatrician
- email :
- curriculum vitae
: @WidoJudarwanto
Mobile Phone O8567805533 PIN BB 25AF7035
Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a medical or health condition. You should carefully read all product packaging. If you have or suspect you have a medical problem, promptly contact your professional healthcare provider
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ini daftar harga imunisasi berlaku untuk daerah mana..??
gmn cara beli vksinnya?
kalau Imunisasi DPT 2 yang gaq bikin anak menjadi panas itu harganya berapa yah?
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Ini harga fix vaksinnya? Sudah termasuk biaya dokter dan jasa klinik?
Koq mahal yah beda dengan puskes?
Di klinik gtuh itu, kalo di puskes udah didanain pemerintah, makanya murah