100 Update References of Research Autism Spectrum Diseases 2012
Reduced activity of protein kinase C in the frontal cortex of subjects with regressive autism: relationship with developmental abnormalities.
Ji L, Chauhan A, Chauhan V.
Int J Biol Sci. 2012;8(7):1075-84. Epub 2012 Aug 30.
Aberrant Expression of Long Noncoding RNAs in Autistic Brain.
Ziats MN, Rennert OM.
J Mol Neurosci. 2012 Sep 5.
Parent and Pediatrician Perspectives Regarding the Primary Care of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Carbone PS, Murphy NA, Norlin C, Azor V, Sheng X, Young PC.
J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Sep 5.
$Upregulation of TET1 and downregulation of APOBEC3A and APOBEC3C in the parietal cortex of psychotic patients.
Dong E, Gavin DP, Chen Y, Davis J.
Transl Psychiatry. 2012 Sep 4;2:e159.
Pathogenetic model for Tourette syndrome delineates overlap with related neurodevelopmental disorders including Autism.
Clarke RA, Lee S, Eapen V.
Transl Psychiatry. 2012 Sep 4;2:e158.
Gestational Age at Birth and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Alberta, Canada.
Leavey A, Zwaigenbaum L, Heavner K, Burstyn I.
J Pediatr. 2012 Sep 1.
Decreased leftward bias of prefrontal activity in autism spectrum disorder revealed by functional near-infrared spectroscopy.
Tamura R, Kitamura H, Endo T, Abe R, Someya T.
Psychiatry Res. 2012 Sep 1.
Thinner cortex in the frontal lobes in mentally disordered offenders.
Howner K, Eskildsen SF, Fischer H, Dierks T, Wahlund LO, Jonsson T, Wiberg MK, Kristiansson M.
Psychiatry Res. 2012 Sep 1.
The Relationship between Mental Health Diagnosis and Treatment with Second-Generation Antipsychotics over Time: A National Study of U.S. Medicaid-Enrolled Children.
Matone M, Localio R, Huang YS, Dosreis S, Feudtner C, Rubin D.
Health Serv Res. 2012 Sep 4.
Focal seizures with affective symptoms are a major feature of PCDH19 gene-related epilepsy.
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Epilepsia. 2012 Sep 4.
On neural systems for speech and song in autism.
Fabricius T.
Brain. 2012 Sep 3.
A Prospective Study of Autistic-Like Traits in Unaffected Siblings of Probands With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Georgiades S, Szatmari P, Zwaigenbaum L, Bryson S, Brian J, Roberts W, Smith I, Vaillancourt T, Roncadin C, Garon N.
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2012 Sep 3:1-7.
Bullying Involvement and Autism Spectrum Disorders: Prevalence and Correlates of Bullying Involvement Among Adolescents With an Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Sterzing PR, Shattuck PT, Narendorf SC, Wagner M, Cooper BP.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2012 Sep 3:1-7. doi: 10.1001/archpediatrics.2012.790. [Epub ahead of print]
Assessment of the relationship between diagnoses of ASD and caregiver symptom endorsement in adults diagnosed with intellectual disability.
Matson JL, Hess JA, Mahan S, Fodstad JC, Neal D.
Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Aug 31;34(1):168-173.
Evolution of Research on Interventions for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Implications for Behavior Analysts.
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Behav Anal. 2012 Spring;35(1):101-113.
Age-Related Variation in Health Service Use and Associated Expenditures Among Children with Autism.
Cidav Z, Lawer L, Marcus SC, Mandell DS.
J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Sep 1.
A Pilot Study of Parent Training in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Disruptive Behavior.
Bearss K, Johnson C, Handen B, Smith T, Scahill L.
J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Sep 1.
Attention Deficits in Children With Combined Autism and ADHD: A CPT Study.
Lundervold AJ, Stickert M, Hysing M, Sørensen L, Gillberg C, Posserud MB.
J Atten Disord. 2012 Aug 31.
Alteration of brain volume in IL-6 overexpressing mice related to autism.
Wei H, Mori S, Hua K, Li X.
Int J Dev Neurosci. 2012 Aug 23.
Using iPods(®) and iPads(®) in teaching programs for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic review.
Kagohara DM, van der Meer L, Ramdoss S, O’Reilly MF, Lancioni GE, Davis TN, Rispoli M, Lang R, Marschik PB, Sutherland D, Green VA, Sigafoos J.
Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Aug 30;34(1):147-156.
Subtypes in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome associated with behaviour and neurofacial morphology.
Sinderberry B, Brown S, Hammond P, Stevens AF, Schall U, Murphy DG, Murphy KC, Campbell LE.
Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Aug 28;34(1):116-125.
Implicit attitudes towards children with autism versus normally developing children as predictors of professional burnout and psychopathology.
Kelly A, Barnes-Holmes D.
Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Aug 28;34(1):17-28.
Adenosine and autism: A spectrum of opportunities.
Masino SA, Kawamura M Jr, Cote JL, Williams RB, Ruskin DN.
Neuropharmacology. 2012 Aug 24.
Social-communicative effects of the Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Lerna A, Esposito D, Conson M, Russo L, Massagli A.
Int J Lang Commun Disord. 2012 Sep;47(5):609-17.
Autism spectrum disorders in children and adolescents].
Moilanen I, Mattila ML, Loukusa S, Kielinen M.
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Autism in early childhood: an unusual developmental course-three case reports.
Cohen-Ophir M, Castel-Deutsh T, Tirosh E.
Case Rep Psychiatry. 2012;2012:946109.
Meditation as a potential therapy for autism: a review.
Sequeira S, Ahmed M.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:835847.
Visual scanning in very young children with autism and their unaffected parents.
Groen WB, Rommelse N, de Wit T, Zwiers MP, van Meerendonck D, van der Gaag RJ, Buitelaar JK.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:748467.
Decreased levels of EGF in plasma of children with autism spectrum disorder.
Onore C, Van de Water J, Ashwood P.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:205362.
Measuring the maturity of the fast-spiking interneuron transcriptional program in autism, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder.
Gandal MJ, Nesbitt AM, McCurdy RM, Alter MD.
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Dietary Patterns and Body Mass Index in Children with Autism and Typically Developing Children.
Evans EW, Must A, Anderson SE, Curtin C, Scampini R, Maslin M, Bandini L.
Res Autism Spectr Disord. 2012;6(1):399-405.
The convergent validity of the Questions About Behavioral Function scale and functional analysis for problem behavior displayed by individuals with autism spectrum disorder.
Watkins N, Rapp JT.
Res Dev Disabil. 2012 Aug 27;34(1):11-16.
A Genome-Wide Association Study of Autism Incorporating Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised, Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, and Social Responsiveness Scale.
Connolly JJ, Glessner JT, Hakonarson H.
Child Dev. 2012 Aug 30.
Differential diagnosis between schizophrenia and autism in adulthood: A case report.
Crivelli B, Rocca P.
Neurocase. 2012 Aug 30.
Impact of the Learn to Play program on play, social competence and language for children aged 5-8 years who attend a specialist school.
Stagnitti K, O’Connor C, Sheppard L.
Aust Occup Ther J. 2012 Aug;59(4):302-11.
Evidence-based practice in occupational therapy services for children with autism spectrum disorders in Victoria, Australia.
Kadar M, McDonald R, Lentin P.
Aust Occup Ther J. 2012 Aug;59(4):284-93.
The persistence and stability of psychiatric problems in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders.
Simonoff E, Jones CR, Baird G, Pickles A, Happé F, Charman T.
J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 31.
[Development of studies on acupuncture treatment of childhood autism].
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Zhen Ci Yan Jiu. 2012 Jun;37(3):242-6.
dentification of Four Novel Synonymous Substitutions in the X-Linked Genes Neuroligin 3 and Neuroligin 4X in Japanese Patients with Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
Yanagi K, Kaname T, Wakui K, Hashimoto O, Fukushima Y, Naritomi K.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:724072.
Improving psychiatric hospital care for pediatric patients with autism spectrum disorders and intellectual disabilities.
Gabriels RL, Agnew JA, Beresford C, Morrow MA, Mesibov G, Wamboldt M.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:685053.
Social Competence Intervention for Parents (SCI-P): Comparing Outcomes for a Parent Education Program Targeting Adolescents with ASD.
Schultz TR, Stichter JP, Herzog MJ, McGhee SD, Lierheimer K.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:681465.
Looking through the Same Eyes? Do Teachers’ Participation Ratings Match with Ratings of Students with Autism Spectrum Conditions in Mainstream Schools?
Falkmer M, Parsons R, Granlund M.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:656981.
Gait symmetry in children with autism.
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Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:576478.
Unique theory of mind differentiation in children with autism and asperger syndrome.
Tine M, Lucariello J.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:505393.
Meta-analysis of studies incorporating the interests of young children with autism spectrum disorders into early intervention practices.
Dunst CJ, Trivette CM, Hamby DW.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:462531.
Mood disorders in mothers of children on the autism spectrum are associated with higher functioning autism.
Vasa RA, Anderson C, Marvin AR, Rosenberg RE, Law JK, Thorn J, Sarphare G, Law PA.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:435646.
Support, Inclusion, and Special Education Teachers’ Attitudes toward the Education of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Rodríguez IR, Saldaña D, Moreno FJ.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:259468.
Assessment and treatment in autism spectrum disorders: a focus on genetics and psychiatry.
Butler MG, Youngs EL, Roberts JL, Hellings JA.
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Prenatal and Postnatal Epigenetic Programming: Implications for GI, Immune, and Neuronal Function in Autism.
Waly MI, Hornig M, Trivedi M, Hodgson N, Kini R, Ohta A, Deth R.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:190930. Epub 2012 Jun 19.
The development of executive function in autism.
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Sertraline may improve language developmental trajectory in young children with fragile x syndrome: a retrospective chart review.
Indah Winarni T, Chonchaiya W, Adams E, Au J, Mu Y, Rivera SM, Nguyen DV, Hagerman RJ.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:104317.
Social communication and theory of mind in boys with autism and fragile x syndrome.
Losh M, Martin GE, Klusek J, Hogan-Brown AL, Sideris J.
Front Psychol. 2012;3:266.
Children With Autism Show Reduced Somatosensory Response: An MEG Study.
Marco EJ, Khatibi K, Hill SS, Siegel B, Arroyo MS, Dowling AF, Neuhaus JM, Sherr EH, Hinkley LN, Nagarajan SS.
Autism Res. 2012 Aug 29.
Interleukin-2 and the brain: dissecting central versus peripheral contributions using unique mouse models.
Petitto JM, Meola D, Huang Z.
Methods Mol Biol. 2012;934:301-11.
Autism spectrum disorders: from immunity to behavior.
Careaga M, Ashwood P.
Methods Mol Biol. 2012;934:219-40.
Relationship Between Children’s Sleep and Mental Health in Mothers of Children with and Without Autism.
Hodge D, Hoffman CD, Sweeney DP, Riggs ML.
J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Aug 30.
Levels of select PCB and PBDE congeners in human postmortem brain reveal possible environmental involvement in 15q11-q13 duplication autism spectrum disorder.
Mitchell MM, Woods R, Chi LH, Schmidt RJ, Pessah IN, Kostyniak PJ, Lasalle JM.
Environ Mol Mutagen. 2012 Aug 29.
Modeling socially anhedonic syndromes: genetic and pharmacological manipulation of opioid neurotransmission in mice.
Cinque C, Pondiki S, Oddi D, Di Certo MG, Marinelli S, Troisi A, Moles A, D’Amato FR.
Transl Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 28;2:e155.
Family History Interview of a Broad Phenotype in Specific Language Impairment and Matched Controls.
Kalnak N, Peyrard-Janvid M, Sahlén B, Forssberg H.
Genes Brain Behav. 2012 Aug 28.
A first national survey of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and autism in France.
Durand-Zaleski I, Scott J, Rouillon F, Leboyer M.
BMC Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 28;12(1):128.
Experiences of siblings of individuals with autism spectrum disorders.
Angell ME, Meadan H, Stoner JB.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:949586.
Is autism a member of a family of diseases resulting from genetic/cultural mismatches? Implications for treatment and prevention.
Bilbo SD, Jones JP, Parker W.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:910946.
High complement factor I activity in the plasma of children with autism spectrum disorders.
Momeni N, Brudin L, Behnia F, Nordström B, Yosefi-Oudarji A, Sivberg B, Joghataei MT, Persson BL.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:868576.
Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: Claims versus Evidence.
Fiksdal BL, Houlihan D, Barnes AC.
Autism Res Treat. 2012;2012:839792.
Can Bronchoscopic Airway Anatomy Be an Indicator of Autism?
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J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Aug 28.
Screening for Autism Spectrum Disorders in Extremely Preterm Infants.
Stephens BE, Bann CM, Watson VE, Sheinkopf SJ, Peralta-Carcelen M, Bodnar A, Yolton K, Goldstein RF, Dusick AM, Wilson-Costello DE, Acarregui MJ, Pappas A, Adams-Chapman I, McGowan EC, Heyne RJ, Hintz SR, Ehrenkranz RA, Fuller J, Das A, Higgins RD, Vohr BR; for the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network.
J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2012 Sep;33(7):535-541.
A systematic review of vocational interventions for young adults with autism spectrum disorders.
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What’s hAPPening at synapses? The role of amyloid β-protein precursor and β-amyloid in neurological disorders.
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Mol Psychiatry. 2012 Aug 28.
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Clinician-trialist rounds: 11. When your grant gets turned down – part 1: remorse, anger, and reconciliation.
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Links between multisensory processing and autism.
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Head circumference and height abnormalities in autism revisited: the role of pre- and perinatal risk factors.
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Fascination and Isolation: A Grounded Theory Exploration of Unusual Sensory Experiences in Adults with Asperger Syndrome.
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J Autism Dev Disord. 2012 Aug 25.
Brief Report: Effects of Tact Training on Emergent Intraverbal Vocal Responses in Adolescents with Autism.
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CDKL5 ensures excitatory synapse stability by reinforcing NGL-1-PSD95 interaction in the postsynaptic compartment and is impaired in patient iPSC-derived neurons.
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Bipolar affective disorder and early dementia onset in a male patient with SHANK3 deletion.
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Assessing the health, functional characteristics, and health needs of youth attending a noncategorical transition support program.
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The health care experiences of the preschool child with autism.
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The epigenetic lorax: gene-environment interactions in human health.
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PMID: 22920179 [PubMed - in process]
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